Report a crocodile
In an emergency situation call 000 or 112 from some mobile phones.
If you see a crocodile in Queensland report it to the Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation via:
- QWildlife app for iOS or Android
- Report a sighting online
- call 1300 130 372 (Option 1).
Remember: crocodiles are highly mobile and the longer you take to report a sighting, the less likely it is that the crocodile will be located.
We encourage you to report any crocodile you have concerns about—even if it is deceased.
If you are not concerned about a crocodile you have seen, you can still report it. This information can help us keep track of the movements and behaviour of crocodiles in the area.
The only time it is not appropriate to report a crocodile is if it is lawfully being kept captive, for example in a farm or zoo.
When you report a crocodile sighting you might be asked questions to help us clarify the situation. Read our glossary to learn what to expect and why.
We investigate all crocodile sighting reports we receive and deliver our management responses in accordance with the Queensland Crocodile Management Plan . You can learn more about these actions on the crocodile management page.
Sign up to receive notifications of crocodile sightings in your Local Government Area.
View the glossary for common crocodile related terms.
Download QWildlife
Download the QWildlife app to report crocodile sightings.
New crocodile offences and increased fines
New offences and increased fines now apply for people who disturb, feed or interfere with crocodiles.
Snappy facts: everything you wanted to know about crocodiles in Queensland
Learn some interesting crocodile facts as we unpack the secret life of these ancient reptiles. Visit and subscribe to our Down to Earth blog.