Regulate proportionate to risk


By 2027 we aim to have:

  • Built on our existing understanding about the potential risks of regulated activities and increased data sharing with industry to improve decision making and better ensure effort is focused towards risk.
  • Improved the efficiency of our regulatory activities by prioritising resources towards activities that pose higher risks to the environment or built heritage.

On track

  • We continue to embed a risk-based approach to our regulatory actions.
  • We are taking action to address environmental risks. For example, in response to increasing compliance concerns regarding waste stockpiling leading to fire risks, we are reviewing the ‘Guideline Prevention of environmental harm from waste stockpile fires’ to assist operators to manage the fire risks associated with stockpiles of combustible wastes and resources.


Action status indicator

  • Complete
  • Awaiting commencement
  • In progress
  • Ongoing


The 2023 Progress Report includes details about the delivery of this action.


The 2023 Progress Report includes details about the delivery of this action.

In progress

We continue to investigate options for streamlining and modernising our approach to environmental authority conditioning.

In progress

  • We continued to contribute to a review project which aims to better understand the environmental risks of resource activities regulated under the Environmental Protection Act 1994.
  • The project involves documenting the contemporary risks associated with resource activities to inform regulatory approaches proportionate to the risk of the activities.

Awaiting commencement

Delivery of this action is currently on hold.