Assessment processes


By 2027 we aim to have:

  • Improved external guidance material that clearly defines the standard of information required in applications and sets customer expectations.
  • Improved the quality of applications to carry out environmentally relevant activities received.
  • Improved consistency and efficacy of assessment processes for operators and the regulator.

On track

  • We are committed to continuous improvement in our guidance materials and working with operators to improve the quality of outcomes.
  • Significant updates to the Guideline Major and minor amendments were finalised in September 2023 to better clarify the requirements for amendment applications. The updates included the addition of several new flowcharts and a new appendix detailing application requirements.
  • A new Greenhouse Gas Emissions Guideline has been published, providing greater clarity around expectations for applications in relation to emissions for new or expanded activities.
  • Improved pre-lodgement processes have been trialled during 2023-24.
  • Public consultation has been undertaken on draft updates to the Landfill siting, design, operation and rehabilitation Guideline (Landfill guideline). The Landfill Guideline provides clarity around our expectations for waste disposal operations in Queensland.


Action status indicator

  • Complete
  • Awaiting commencement
  • In progress
  • Ongoing

In progress

In progress

  • Work is continuing to implement the products and processes developed as part of the Guidance for the Resource Industry Project (GRIP) that are managed by the department with a focus on the pre-lodgement process.
  • A year long trial of phased pre-lodgement with the resource sector commenced in June 2023. Following completion of the trial, the effectiveness of the phased pre-lodgement approach will be evaluated.
  • Key guidance and document updates are complete with ongoing improvements to documents being transitioned to business as usual.
  • Information about the application process for resource authorities is available on Business Queensland including a resource application process flowchart. The flowchart reflects the high-level approval pathways for proposed resource projects through the Queensland legislative framework. It identifies what processes need to be done in a particular order and what processes can occur in parallel.
  • The learnings and improvements for the resources industry from GRIP will be considered for their potential application to all environmentally relevant activities at a later stage.

In progress

  • The Guidance for Resource Industry Project (GRIP) is looking at improvements in the pre-lodgement approach for the resources industry.
  • A year long trial of phased pre-lodgement with the resource sector commenced in June 2023. Following completion of the trial, the effectiveness of the phased pre-lodgement approach will be evaluated.
  • The learnings and improvements to the pre-lodgement approach for the resources industry from GRIP will be considered for their potential application to all environmentally relevant activities.

In progress

  • We continue to undertake work to ensure our environmental authority conditions are contemporary and consistent.
  • Copies of contemporary environmental authorities which identify the conditions that operators must comply with when undertaking environmentally relevant activities are available on the Public Register Portal.


The 2023 Progress Report includes details about the delivery of this action.

In progress

  • On 18 April 2024, the Queensland Government passed the Clean Economy Jobs Act 2024. This legislation aims to drive clean economy investment and jobs with a new emissions reduction target of 75% below 2005 levels by 2035, as well as enshrining in legislation the Queensland Government’s commitment to net zero emissions by 2050.
  • We published a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Guideline in May 2024. The guideline clarifies existing application requirements under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) and provides information about how to meet these requirements in relation to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
  • The guideline also sets out the minimum expectations for GHG emissions information to be provided with applications for new environmental authorities (EAs) and applications to amend existing EAs. It also supports us in considering GHG emission information when making decisions on new or amended EAs under the EP Act.
  • We will continue to explore options to support applicants in preparing GHG information for EA applications.

In progress

We have commenced a process to review the regulatory framework for registered suitable operators to identify short term and long term opportunities to strengthen the framework.


  • We are continuing to deliver a project to modernise environmental authorities (EAs) for composting activities. This includes applying conditions to require enclosed composting facilities when receiving highly odorous feedstocks nearby to residential areas and setting standards for finished compost products, including PFAS levels to ensure safe products for the community.
  • There are over 100 EAs for composting activities in Queensland. Over 20% of these EAs have been updated to reflect best practice or identified as not requiring modernisation. New EAs for composting that reflect best practice standards have also been issued.
  • Copies of modernised composting EAs are available on the Public Register Portal.
  • In May / June 2024 the government also consulted on proposed stronger regulations in relation to composting, to help support modernising EA conditions where it relates to odour.
  • The Review of Nutrient Release from Aquaculture Activities Final Report has been published. The report includes 14 recommendations that cover release management; decision support tools and information; receiving environment assessment; stewardship; environmental approvals; and nutrient offsets. Each recommendation requires further scoping, prioritisation and resourcing.


The 2023 Progress Report includes details about the delivery of this action.


  • Key guidance and document updates that were identified as part of the Guidance for the Resource Industry Project (GRIP) are complete with ongoing improvements to documents being transitioned to business as usual (refer to Action 2.2).
  • Significant updates to the Guideline Major and minor amendments were finalised in September 2023 to better clarify the requirements for amendment applications. The updates included the addition of several new flowcharts and a new appendix detailing application requirements.
  • Public consultation has been undertaken on draft updates to the Landfill siting, design, operation and rehabilitation Guideline (Landfill guideline). The Landfill Guideline provides clarity around our expectations for waste disposal operations in Queensland.


  • We have progressively been building the capability of our officers through a range of initiatives.
  • We have developed, and are implementing, a specific training program for all our officers. The training program is designed to ensure all staff are trained in areas that are relevant to perform their role.
  • Our 2023 Graduate Program delivered a tailored and extensive development program with graduate officers commencing in various assessment and compliance teams across the State.
  • Building on the success of the 2023 program, the 2024 Graduate Program commenced in February 2024 with 10 officers commencing roles. The graduates will undertake a variety of learning and development opportunities that will set them up to achieve competency as an Environmental Officer.