Frequently asked questions for QWildlife koala sightings

    Can I edit my sighting after submission?

    You can edit a sighting if you have saved it as a draft, however once you have submitted your sighting you will be unable to edit it again. If you need to update a submitted sighting, you can create a new sighting with the same information and email to request for the incorrect sighting to be removed.

    How is the data used?

    The data is submitted to WildNet, where the data will be shared to their open data platform. Data can be used by the Queensland Government to inform koala mapping and habitat restoration efforts.

    Can I download the data?

    Data can be downloaded from the QWildlife dashboard or specific data download requests, with de-identified comments, can be sent to These requests are manually processed and approved/declined upon application.

    I would like to know more about a specific sighting. Can you provide me with the contact details of the person who posted the sighting?

    Our department is committed to protecting user privacy rights. Members of the public will not be able to access any of the personal information provided by individuals submitting sightings on the QWildlife app. This information can only be used by the department for purposes in relation to QWildlife and their sightings in accordance with the privacy statement included on the QWildlife app.

    Where can I view the sightings I have personally submitted?

    To view all the sightings you have submitted from your device; you need to open the koala sightings application and click on “report”. This will take you to the sightings report form. Once you are in this form, click on the “X” in the top left corner to get out of the form and select the first option to close the report and lose changes. You will then see a screen with sightings you have sent to QWildlife.

    I can’t see my sightings on the map

    The department is committed to ensuring the accuracy of sightings that are accepted and displayed onto QWildlife, which means all koala sightings submitted through the QWildlife App are subject to vetting. If you are unable to see your sighting on the map, this may be because it was reported in an area outside a known koala habitat. These sightings will go through a manual process to ensure that the sighting can be confirmed.

    Is it a requirement to provide my contact details?

    Providing your contact details is optional and we may use your details to contact you should we require further information about a koala sighting submission. We will only use your information for this purpose. It will otherwise not be used or disclosed unless authorised or required by law. Your personal information will be handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.

    Can my sightings stop a development application?

    The purpose of QWildlife is to assist in reporting koala sightings in the wild. Information collected through the app will help informconservation planning and action at Local, State and Federal levels. Knowledge of recent koala sightings in a particular area may provide guidance towards threat management, re-vegetation programs, and habitat mapping. This does not mean that the presence of koalas in a particular location can influence a development application for that area. For more information around regulations for development in koala habitat and koala priority areas, visit our Koala legislation and policy webpage.

    I am concerned about the koala’s welfare

    The QWildlife app provides you with images and information to help you identify a sick koala. If you are concerned that the koala you sighted needs immediate assistance, please ring 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625) immediately.

    The wrong location on the map is showing on the report a sightings page

    Ensure that you have given the app permission to access “Location Services” on your phone. Once you have given permission, turn your phone off and then re-start it. Find a relatively open space and remain in one location long enough for your phone to develop an accurate location “fix” which can take up a few minutes.

    If your “location services” are already permitted, there may be a difference in the placement of the coordinates with your phone and with our app, which may cause the coordinates not to align. We suggest that you continue uploading and monitoring whether your reports are consistently misallocated. If your issue can’t be resolved, please e-mail with a description of the error, the name of the model, make and current operating system of your phone, so we can investigate.

    How can I ensure that my sightings can be confirmed?

    If you attach a clear image to your sightings report, the likelihood of you sighting to be confirmed and added to the WildNet or biodiversity assessment data bases, will increase. This includes images of sick or injured koalas, deceased koalas, and healthy koalas.

    Who can I contact with feedback in relation to the QWildlife App?

    You can contact our QWildlife koala team by emailing