Water quality data and assessments
Water quality monitoring data
Water quality monitoring data is available from the following Queensland Government web pages:
- Water monitoring and data
- Ambient estuarine water quality monitoring data – 1993 to 2013: more recent data available by request at water.data@qld.gov.au
- Ambient estuarine water quality monitoring data (includes near real-time sites) – 2012 to present day
Information on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Monitoring Program (MMP) is available from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.
Monitoring and sampling manual
Water quality monitoring is conducted for a variety of reasons by Queensland Government, persons under statutory approvals, and is additionally conducted by other organisations across Queensland. The Monitoring and Sampling Manual 2018 is the primary document to determine the protocols where monitoring is required under legislation. It provides the common techniques, methods and standards for sample collection, handling, quality assurance and control, custodianship and data management for use by Queensland Government agencies, relevant persons and other organisations.
Waterway assessments
Assessments of waterway health have been undertaken and reported in various regions across Queensland. Many of these are multi-disciplinary partnerships involving government, regional NRM bodies, science providers, industry, community and other parties. For a number of these areas, results are expressed as report cards.
Components addressed in waterway assessments can include water quality (e.g. nutrients, sediments, water clarity), habitat (e.g. coral, seagrass, riparian), and socio-economic indicators, depending on the assessment.
Please explore the links below to find out more.
- Great Barrier Reef annual report cards
- Great Barrier Reef Marine Monitoring Program (MMP) publications
- The Bribie Island breakthrough occurred on 2 January 2022 when large waves over-washed the dunes on northern Bribie Island and cut a tidal channel through the island.
- The department is monitoring water quality in northern Pumicestone Passage on a monthly basis for 8 out of 12 months each year, as part of the South-East Queensland Ecosystem Health Monitoring Program (EHMP).
- Gladstone Harbour Report Card
- Fitzroy Basin Report Card
- Mackay-Whitsunday Report Card
- Wet Tropics Healthy Waterways Partnership
- South-east Queensland Report Card
- Wetland Info has additional information on aquatic monitoring programs throughout Queensland.
- Aquatic conservation assessments (ACAs) have also been undertaken by the department for Great Barrier Reef, South east Queensland and Murray-Darling catchments.