Policy consultations

New draft code of practice for the release of stored water from privately owned farm storages to receiving waters in the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin

The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (department) is seeking submissions on the following document:

Key changes in the new draft Store and Release Code of Practice include simplifying monitoring requirements and updating best management practice measures. The draft Store and Release Code of Practice is accompanied by the Explanatory Guide: To support consultation on the draft code of practice for the release of stored water from privately owned farm storages to receiving waters in the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin 2024–31 (PDF, 485.5KB) .

Following the public consultation period and consideration of submissions, the new draft Store and Release Code of Practice will be considered for gazettal under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 by the Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Innovation. If gazetted, the new draft Store and Release Code of Practice and its accompanying explanatory guide will replace the previous version that expired on 17 December 2023.

How to make a submission

Interested parties are invited to make a written submission within the consultation period which commences on 10 June 2024 and concludes at the close-of-business on 19 June 2024. Early feedback is welcome, unfortunately extensions are not possible.

Please email submissions to evinfo@des.qld.gov.au, or mail to Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Healthy Waters and Wetlands Team, GPO Box 2454, Brisbane Qld 4001.

Please note that all submissions received by the department are public information and may be published in part or in full, unless it is requested that they remain confidential.

Further information

Please email all enquiries to evinfo@des.qld.gov.au

South East Queensland region groundwaters environmental values and water quality objectives

The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (department) is seeking submissions on the consultation materials for the South East Queensland region groundwaters environmental values and water quality objectives.

Environmental values and water quality objectives approved under the Environmental Protection (Water and Wetland Biodiversity) Policy 2019 inform statutory decision-making under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 and inform relevant non-statutory environmental management decisions.

The consultation materials include the following documents:

There is also a summary document that provides an overview of the proposed Environmental Protection (Water and Wetland Biodiversity) Policy 2019 amendment for South East Queensland groundwaters.

The geographical scope of the SEQ groundwaters includes those underlying the Noosa River, Maroochy River, Pine Rivers, Brisbane River, Stradbroke Island, Logan and Albert Rivers, and South Coast rivers basins.

The Groundwater Report identifies the groundwater aquifer classes, with each aquifer class divided into multiple groundwater chemistry zones. Chemistry zone boundaries and environmental values are shown in the accompanying plans. The water quality percentiles for the key water quality indicators are shown for each chemistry zone. They inform the derivation of aquatic ecosystem water quality objectives.

The Groundwater Report has informed the environmental values and water quality objectives in the Draft Schedule 1 Document and plans for the South East Queensland groundwaters.

The final environmental values and water quality objectives for the SEQ groundwaters will be recommended for inclusion under Schedule 1 of the Environmental Protection (Water and Wetland Biodiversity) Policy 2019.

All submissions will be considered in the finalisation of the Groundwater Report, the Schedule 1 Document and accompanying plans.

Submissions have closed

Interested parties were invited to make a written submission within the consultation period which commenced on Monday 30 October 2023 and concluded on Friday 15 December 2023.

This form was required to make a submission, including suggested matters for consultation:

Written submissions on the consultation materials should be lodged using the submission form, by email evinfo@des.qld.gov.au, or mail to Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Healthy Waters and Wetlands Team, Level 27, 400 George Street, GPO Box 2454, Brisbane Qld 4001.

Please note that all submissions received by the department are public information and may be published in part or in full, unless it is requested that they remain confidential.

Further information

Please email all enquiries to evinfo@des.qld.gov.au