Environmentally relevant activities—Prescribed

Environmentally relevant activities (ERAs) that are prescribed activities are generally industrial or intensive animal industries with the potential to release emissions which impact on the environment and surrounding land uses. A full list of all of the prescribed ERAs can be found in Schedule 2 of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019.

There are two approval paths for prescribed ERAs. Many prescribed ERAs require development assessment and are identified in the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019 as concurrence ERAs (as shown in schedule 2, column 3 with a capital 'C').

A development application for a concurrence ERA is also an application for an environmental authority under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act).

Where a concurrence ERA is a material change of use, a development application is referred to the State for assessment under State Code 22: Environmentally Relevant Activities and the Guideline.

Refer to the Queensland Planning System website for more detail on how to prepare and lodge development applications.

Some prescribed ERAs are not subject to concurrence assessment by the State. Although these activities will still require and environmental authority to operate.

For more information regarding applying for and lodging an EA application, refer to the Business Queensland portal.

EA conditions

The administering authority may impose conditions on an EA in order to manage environmental risks associated with the activity. Conditions may relate to the operation of the activity and any rehabilitation requirements such as requiring financial assurance.

If you would like to learn more about the departments Risk-based condition approach (ESR/2015/6443) and the different kinds of conditions that may be applied to prescribed activities, refer to the Business Queensland portal.

Financial assurance

Where an activity will result in significantly disturbed land, the department may place a condition on an EA requiring the payment of a financial assurance (FA).

For further information on FA, including when FA may be required and how it is calculated, refer to the Business Queensland website.


All applications forms, guidelines, policies and information sheets are located on Policies, procedures and guidelines.


All applications forms, guidelines, policies and information sheets are now located on Policies, procedures and guidelines.