Species Management Program—requirements for tampering with a protected animal breeding place in Queensland

In Queensland, the conservation of nature is achieved through the protection of wildlife and its habitat, and the ecological sustainability of any use of protected wildlife. A person must not take, keep or use a protected animal unless authorised. A Species Management Program (SMP) authorises activities if it will impact on breeding places of protected animals that are classified as extinct in the wild, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, near threatened, special least concern, colonial breeder or least concern. An SMP is only required where an animal breeding place has been identified and activities are required to tamper with the breeding place in order to complete the scope of works. Animal breeding places include obvious structures such as bird nests and tree hollows, as well as more cryptic places such as amphibian or reptile habitat where breeding takes place.

SMPs do not give authority for a planned activity, such as clearing or removal of habitat (excluding animal breeding places), as these are potentially addressed under other approval systems such as the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, Vegetation Management Act 1999 and the Nature Conservation Act 1992, Protected plants framework.

The Information sheet—Species Management Program requirements for tampering with a protected animal breeding place explains the expected principles and protocols for tampering with animal breeding places for environmental consultants and proponents. The purpose of an SMP is to:

  • Assess the threats to native animal breeding places resulting from a planned activity.
  • Incorporate management actions that will avoid or minimise both the immediate and the long term impact of removing or altering an animal breeding place.
  • Set monitoring and reporting requirements that demonstrate the management actions in the SMP are effectively implemented and produce the intended results.

Two templates are available, depending on the identified protected animals. The SMP “low risk of impacts” relate to protected animals classed as least concern where the impacts are unlikely to affect broader population. The SMP “high risk of impacts” relate to protected animals identified by Wildlife Regulation or breeding type (e.g. least concern colonial breeders), where the broader population is at a greater risk from impacts and include least concern wildlife that are colonial breeders and wildlife prescribed as extinct in the wild, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, near threatened, or a special least concern animal under the Nature Conservation (Animal) Regulation 2020. An entity can register for approval to use these standard documents prior to any works being undertaken on a project site. Both documents will require essential information including location of the activity, area of impact and species the subject of the tampering with the breeding place. The SMP “high risk of impacts” will require additional information tailored for the identified species.

The duration of the SMP must be identified and must be relevant to the activity being undertaken and allow for a periodic review of the program. The standard term for a SMP is three years.

Registered entities with a SMP will be required to maintain an Animal Breeding Place register concerning tampering with animal breeding places. The Animal Breeding Place register must include the details of the action undertaken, authorised under the SMP, and is to be submitted to the wildlife.operations@des.qld.gov.au. For Low Risk of impacts SMP, electronic registers are to be submitted annually from the date of approval and for High risk of impacts SMP, within 6 months of the interactions with the high risk of impacts SMP species. At the end of the approved SMP a complete electronic register of the Animal Breeding Place will be required to be submitted to the Permits Management Unit.

Registering a Species Management Program

For further enquires or to register with a Species Management Program please contact the Wildlife Assessment Team on wildlife@des.qld.gov.au.

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