Property (lot on plan) Searches—About this service
Coastal Development Approval Search (tidal works)
View information on Coastal Development Approval Search (tidal works).
Contaminated Land Searches
View information on how to search the Environment Management and Contaminated Land Registers.
Certificate of Affect
A Certificate of Affect will verify if a property is, or is not, entered on the Queensland Heritage Register. It also establishes if a place is the subject of a Queensland Heritage Register application, or has been excluded from entry in the Queensland Heritage Register. You may require a Certificate of Affect:
- as part of the conveyancing process when buying a property if you believe there is a chance the property or part of the property is a State Heritage Place (a place entered on the Queensland Heritage Register)
- if you are considering developing or changing the use of a property that is entered on the Queensland Heritage Register.
How do I request a search on this website?
To complete this internet search service, you will need a:
- credit card
- postal address in Australia (for Development Approvals Searches (Coastal))
- email address (for Contaminated Land searches) unless requesting a fax or postal return
- Adobe Reader (for Cultural Heritage searches) unless requesting an email or postal return.
Lot and plan number of the property/ies, including the plan prefix letters, e.g. 1 RP123456 OR a valid property address. If you need to find the lot and plan number for the site call 13 QGOV (13 74 68) and ask to speak to a Department of Natural Resources, Mines & Energy (DNRME) Business Centre for a current real property description.
The process to search is:
- Select the type of search and click Continue.
- Type in the property details i.e. lot/plan and click Add.
- Add another property for the same type of search if you need to. When you have added all the properties you want to search on for that search type, click Continue.
- If doing Development Approvals Searches (Coastal), enter any additional details you know about the property and click Continue. (Note this screen does not appear if you are only doing a Contaminated Land search or Cultural Heritage search on that property.)
- Enter your postal, contact and email details. If doing a Certificate of Affect search or a Contaminated Land search, select the Delivery Method. Click Continue.
- On the summary page click Add To Cart to confirm your search request for this search type, or click any of the breadcrumbs links at the top to go back to the relevant page and modify some details.
- If you wish to add more orders before you pay, click on "Add another".
- Click "Checkout" to confirm your total order.
- Enter your Billing details, including an email address to send a receipt to, and click Continue.
- Click ‘Pay by Credit Card’
- Pay for the searches with your credit card.
- You can cancel your search at any time by clicking the Cancel button
- From any page, you can Cancel an item that has been added to the cart by clicking on the ‘Edit Cart’ button within the Shopping Cart on the right of the screen. From this screen, you can return to your search by clicking on ‘Property (lot on plan) Searches’.
In detail, the steps are:
1. Read the instructions and advice on the page then select which type of search you would like for the properties you are searching. You can choose one type of search or a combination of searches for one lot or combination of lots. If you have more than one lot on plan to search on, group them together as:
- properties which require only one type of search; or
- properties which require multiple types of searches.
Start with (for example) the group for only Contaminated Land searches by selecting just Contaminated Land. Work through to the "Added to the cart" screen, and then click the "Add another" button to do the next group of your searches (for example the Development Approvals Searches (Coastal)). Keep working through to the "Added to the Cart" screen then adding in another service until you have selected them all, then proceed to payment (click Checkout).
2. Type in a property by lot/plan. Enter the lot number in the first box and the plan number in the second box, then click Add.
Lot number: Do not enter a letter such as A. If your lot number is an Alphabetical letter, e.g. ‘A’ (or other letter), then you currently are looking at a lease description, easement, stock route, etc that will not be searchable on the contaminated land public search engine. If required, phone 13 QGOV (13 74 68) and ask to speak to a DNRME Business Centre for a current real property description.
Plan prefix: Type in the plan number in the Plan field. This includes the plan prefix (letters) as well as the number - for example, RP12364, W4592, BUP74876 or CP48786. The plan number has to include a one to four letter prefix, which is most commonly RP (if it is called a Registered Plan), or SP (if it is called a Survey Plan). Other common prefixes are BUP (Building Unit Plan) and GTP (Group Title Plan). Your property description may also have something like D, CTN, or LN.
If the prefix is ‘CP’ and some other letters, type in all of it except the ‘CP’. If it is just ‘CP’ and then a number, then type CP and the number. For example: for CP W4592 - you would type W4592, for Crown Plan SP45987 - you would type SP45987, for CP98765 - you would type CP98765. DNRME Business Centre staff can assist with real property descriptions. Phone 13 74 68.
One Title, many lots on plan: Some properties have one title but many lots-on-plan within that title, for example the property (Title) 18 Main Road may be made up of lot 1 SP140424 and lot 2 SP140424. If you wish to check all of the land within the complete Title, make sure that you search (separately) on every lot-on-plan in that Title.
3. The property (or properties) you have chosen appear on the right of the screen under the heading "Selected Properties". If you want to delete any, click on the red X next to the particular property that you want to delete from your list. The screen will refresh and the property will be deleted. Add another property for the same type of search if you need to (by entering lot and plan and click Add). When you have added all the properties you want to search on for that search type, click Continue.
4. If doing Development Approvals Searches (Coastal) a page will come up asking you to enter any additional details you know about the property. (Note this screen does not appear if you are only doing a Contaminated Land search or Certificate of Affect search on that property). This extra information helps the Coastal Unit staff process your search request. If you do not have it, it is not usually essential. Scroll down and fill it in for each property selected. Click Continue.
5. On the client details page, enter your postal, contact and email details (all those with a red asterisk are required fields) and click Continue. If you miss a required field, an error message will appear telling you what you have missed. Searches cannot be posted to overseas destinations; you will need to enter an Australian address. Fax returns require a fax number with Australian area code. For email make sure you enter an email address (in the format without any typing errors. Telephone numbers will assist if an operator needs to contact you regarding the search. All of this information will only be used for the purpose of issuing your search request.
All Development Approvals Searches (Coastal) will be posted to you as POST is the only option for delivery.
The searches you have selected and the cost will display. Click Continue again.
6. A page will be displayed stating that your items have been added to the cart. At this point, you can choose to add more search types to your order by clicking on ‘Add another’
7. Confirm your total order by clicking on ‘Checkout’.
8. Record your billing details for the order. All mandatory fields are indicated with a red asterisk. If you have included a Development Approvals Search (Coastal), you can request a tax invoice by clicking on the checkbox. Click on Continue to proceed with the order.
9. Double check the order details, this is your final chance to change your order before payment. To change your order, click on the ‘Change order’ link at the bottom of the screen. Otherwise, confirm your order by clicking on ‘Pay by credit card’. Pay for the searches with your credit card.
Q: How do I search for Common Property in unit and townhouse complexes?
A: Land that is owned by a Body Corporate or other shared common land between Units and Townhouses does not have a real property description, but it is referred to in this search system by one of the lot numbers with the same plan as the units/townhouses (e.g. lot 1 BUP12345). For a Unit, a search on the Unit’s lot will tell you the status of the Common Property. Check with DNRME if unsure.
Q: Why doesn’t my lot/plan description work?
A: This may be because:
- you made a typing error (Check it and try entering it again correctly)
- that lot/plan is a superseded (old) description of the property
- that property has been subdivided and has a new lot/plan
- that property has been amalgamated and has a new lot/plan
- that property has been re-described with a new lot/plan
- the lot/plan is new and the plan has not been lodged, registered or processed yet
- the plan prefix is three or four letters beginning with CP (drop CP off and try with just the other one or two letters)
To find out the new current description (the right lot/plan) go and check the current registered Title plan. You can also check with the owner or surveyor of any new subdivision to see if the plan has been lodged. Check with DNRME if unsure.
Q: What if it does not have a lot/plan description?
A: This may be because:
- the area of land is reclaimed land, riverbank, below high tide, beach or similar land that has never been given a lot/plan description
- the land is a rail, road, path or other easement
- the land is National Park and does not have a description
- the property is not in the Property Locator Index for another reason
In these cases, you will need to call 13 QGOV (137468) and ask for the department’s EMR/CLR Registers for a contaminated land search or the Heritage Branch for a Certificate of Affect. Properties without a lot/plan, Alpha lot, or street address cannot be searched via this web service.
Contact information
SmartService Queensland
13 QGOV (13 74 68)